Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Lessons Learned After Years Of Living Life

  1. Friends really do come and go. Some come back. Some don’t. That’s OK.
  2. Nobody cares about you as much as they care about themselves.
  3. Animals kill to survive. Humans kill for “fun” (also know as a psychopath) or because they’re ignorant of torture (I know I used to be).
  4. It’s OK to be different.
  5. Most people won’t agree with you.
  6. The people who really care will still care whether they agree with you or not.
  7. You don’t need anybody’s support to make things happen.
  8. Arguments are pointless. You can’t change anyone, don’t try.
  9. People will rationalize and justify anything and everything to be “right.” Let them.
  10. It’s easier to take a small action now instead of a big action “some day.”
  11. Some day never comes.
  12. If the music you listen to is on the radio or TV it’s pop music. Pop = popular. It doesn’t matter if there’s screaming or singing, loud guitars or soft piano, it’s pop music. I love pop music. I love unpopular music as well. ;)
  13. You’re not as different as you think.
  14. You can have anything you want.
  15. You never have to settle. Not in a relationship, not in a job, not ever.
  16. Somebody will always tell you your ideas suck. Take action anyway.
  17. You might think you’re not good enough, but you’ll surprise yourself when you try.
  18. Being an adult can be fun when you are acting like a child.
  1. You don’t have to be promiscuous because you’re a male and you don’t have to be celibate because you’re a female. Do what you want.
  2. Don’t let the school system brainwash you into being average. They will try. Every step of the way.
  3. Society wants you to be average as well, but you can be exceptional if you’d like. It’s your choice.
  4. You will make mistakes. So what?
  5. It’s OK to feel sad.
  6. There is nothing wrong with you.
  7. Successful people read books.
  8. Passion can go a long way.
  9. Don’t kill yourself. It’s never worth it.
  10. Get tested.
  11. If you think you can do something you’re right. If you think you can’t do something you’re also right.
  12. The refrigerator light doesn’t always stay on.
  13. Whether you hear it or not, a falling tree always makes a sound.
  14. Money is not the root of all evil.
  15. Love of money is not the root of all evil either.
  16. You don’t need as much money as you think.
  17. Nobody cares what kind of car you drive. If they do, they’re not worth your time. (Also, replace car with: the kinds of clothes you wear.)
  18. Don’t be a pushover.
  19. Memories are priceless. Write them down daily. Even if they seem trivial.
  20. Nothing is trivial.
  21. Ask for what you want. If you don’t ask, you won’t receive.
  22. Don’t make the same mistake twice. If you do, don’t make it a third time.
  23. There will always be somebody more “successful” than you.
  24. Define your own rules for success. It’s a lot easier to rule your world than someone else’s world.
  25. Humans are the only mammals that drink milk after they’ve grown. They’re also the only mammals that drink another mammal’s milk.
  26. If you don’t feel good you probably don’t need a doctor. It’s your diet.
  27. Even if an apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away it sure tastes good.
  28. Doctors aren’t all bad, but many will write you any prescription you ask for if you know how to ask.
  29. The fact that gay marriage is not recognized is an abomination. If you support Freedom, you support gay marriage.
  30. Religion causes a lot of problems.
  31. Telling someone they’re wrong never leads to anything positive. Even if they’re wrong.
  32. You’ll never be good enough if you don’t define great.
  33. Being dependent on TV shows or sports teams is for children and teenagers.
  34. You don’t need more than 3 pairs of shoes. 1 athletic, 1 dress, and 1 casual. Even that might be overkill.
  35. If you wear the same pants every day nobody will notice.
  36. Write down your dreams/nightmares for 30 days every morning immediately upon waking up. Some trippy stuff will start happening.
  37. It is scientifically proven that if you eat meat you’re not an environmentalist. Don’t pretend to care about the environment. Care or don’t care.
  38. Whether global warming is real or made up, is it really so difficult to throw a cigarette butt in a trash can instead of the street? (Replace the following with cigarette butt: gum, paper, bottles, anything.)
  39. If you say you love animals and you kill them for dinner (physically or by shopping at the deli counter) there is a blatant disconnect.
  40. Just because somebody tells you something is true, doesn’t mean it is. Do your own research.
  41. Jealousy is mankind’s most useless emotion. Instead of feeling jealous, feel happy.
  42. Happiness is mankind’s most useful emotion.
  43. If you help people get what they want, you will “miraculously” get what you want.
  44. It’s OK to be a follower. It’s better to be a thought leader.
  45. It’s OK if you don’t like something. Just don’t pretend that you do.
  46. There are exceptions to every rule. That doesn’t make the rule invalid.
  47. You can’t break rules if you don’t learn them first.
  48. If somebody tells you they want the best for you what they mean is they want you to do what they say and follow the rules.
  49. You should play on a swing set at least once every year. It is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
  50. Don’t blame anybody for your problems. They’re yours. The sooner you establish this the sooner you can work on them.
  51. If you can’t sing, sing anyway. Especially at karaoke.
  52. Just because a billion people do something doesn’t mean it’s right.
  53. If you eat moldy bread you might feel like shit. Pun not intended. :)
  54. Don’t wish, do. “I wish I could…” is a waste of thought energy.
  55. Some people say you should do something every day that scares you. That’s a lofty goal, but even if you do something every week that scares you you’ll come out ahead.
  56. Do what scares you.
  57. If you think something is a bad idea, it might mean you should do it. Or it might mean it’s actually a bad idea.
  58. Stop watching so much TV.
  59. It really is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Try it next time.
  60. It’s OK if you don’t want to travel the world. There are lots of things to explore in your own backyard.
  61. Don’t listen to anybody who tells you “you’re missing out” by not going somewhere or doing something. You’re only missing out if you believe you’re missing out.
  62. Don’t think of cost. Think of value.
  63. If something is expensive that doesn’t mean it’s worth it. If something is cheap that doesn’t mean it’s not. Usually, neither of those options are ideal.
  64. Maybe you can’t have it all. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
  65. You can change the world because you define your world.
  66. Jakfruit is hard to find, but so very worth it.
  67. Give away something you love. You’ll learn a) detachment and b) it feels great.
  68. Do activities by yourself. Solo Social Activities (movies, dinner, concerts, travel) can be a lot of fun.
  69. Stop depending on other people.
  70. It’s OK to complain sometimes. Don’t make it a habit.
  71. Do what you love even if you don’t get paid for it.
  72. Stop texting or checking your phone when you’re with other people. It’s rude and it’s sad.
  73. Drink more water.
  74. Show gratitude.
  75. Make more mistakes.
  76. There is no such thing as luck. No good luck. No bad luck. You either make good things happen or you make bad things happen. Nothing more, nothing less.
  77. The secret to winning is playing. Often. (This advice does not hold for games of chance.)
  78. Everybody lies. Trust people anyway.
  79. If you dwell on past mistakes you will get depressed. Dwell or don’t dwell, but know the outcome.
  80. There is always more you can do. But that doesn’t mean there is always more you should do.
  81. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to yourself.
  82. Low calorie does not mean healthy. Stop fooling yourself.
  83. Seek danger.

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