1. You can’t change someone else or force them to change
2. Most friendships you thought would “last forever” usually don’t
3. Independance is not always a virtue
4. As women, our attitude controls the climate of our home
5. Grief and hard times, no matter how tough, don’t last forever
6. Life passes far too quickly
7. After high school, the clique-induced pressure to be popular vanishes for most people
8. A genuine smile directed towards someone produces 100 times more happiness than mere words alone
9. Justice, Wrong-doing, and Punishment do not go hand-in-hand as they did in childhood
10. Crying is like a laxitive for the soul (it cleans you out)
11. Satan is not God-like. He is not omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent. He does not know all of your thoughts.
12. Being pregnant for the first time is like riding a roller coaster – thrilling, yet terrifying
13. People will like you more if you appear to like them
14. Saving a little money at a time really does add up
15. Animals are in no way “dumb”
16. You are the guardian of your husband’s soul. Keep it well!
17. Stop watching so much “news”. Too much violence and tradgedy is not good for the soul.
18. Stuff is just that. Stuff. You didn’t have it when you came into the world and you can’t take it with you.
19. Don’t be manipulative
20. We’re all just living life the best we can, in the only ways we can.
21. Do not share your husband’s secrets with anyone
22. Stay away from marriage/husband bashers if you’re trying to grow a healthy relationship
23. Everyone needs a hero
24. Reading written words is the closest you’ll ever come to truly knowing someone’s deepest inner thoughts
25. A dog’s love and a child’s love are the most innocent, purest, and truest kind of love you’ll ever experience
26. Outside of life or death medical situations, don’t use credit for anything other than purchasing a home – and then use it modestly
27. Life doesn’t take Visa. Life takes will power, stamina, and self control – along with solid money management skills
28. God is the only being who will remain the same from when you are born until you die
29. People change when they themselves are ready to change, and never before
30. Different interests do not make one “better or worse” than the next person
31. Telling someone “you’re not a Christian” based solely on their choice of wedding gown style is the height of hypocrisy
32. 10 years from now you’re life will be completely different than it is today
33. 5 years from now you’re life will be completely different than it is today
34. 1 year from now, spats you have today will mean nothing
35. Forgiveness is a virtue
36. Unforgiveness only ruins the soul of those who are unforgiving
37. “I’m Sorry”, when said sincerely, can erase a multitude of angry emotions
38. “I’m Sorry for my part” is the easiest statement available to clear up misuderstandings – why do we allow it to become the hardest to say?
39. Never go to bed angry
40. Never throw a glass bottle at your husband’s feet in anger
50. No one likes a braggart
51. Never abandon your mother and father
52. Mice in the house love hershey’s kisses
53. No one really cares what kind of car you drive
54. A 5, 6, or 7 year car loan does not make a car “more affordable”
55. Being in debt is like being a slave to a relentless, unforgiving taskmaster
56. Laugh hard, laugh loud, and laugh often
57. Never leave the presence of a loved one without saying “I love you” – it could be your last moment together
58. Don’t complain
59. When you get married, you become the Laundry Fairy
60. Living happily on one income is completely possible
61. Sincere smiles and sincere thank yous should be handed out liberally
62. People are touchy about the spelling of their name
63. Puppies are a sheer delight to play with!
64. A good book can help you formulate opinions you always knew you had, but never had the words for
65. Grey hairs can appear at any age, regardless of when your parents first saw theirs
66. There is always someone out there who has it “worse than you”
67. Never threaten divorce as a way to get the upper hand in an argument
68. Love in a good marriage truly is different than the love you feel before marriage or during engagement
69. Many bad situations are the result of your own stupidity. Other bad situations happen through no fault of your own. Learn how to tell the difference!
70. Take responsibility for your own actions and the outcomes, whether good or bad - it will garner you a lot more respect in life
71. Companionship / Intimacy with a spouse truly does get better as the years progress
72. Don’t let false humility ruin someone’s sincere compliment to you – a simple “thank you so much!” is the best response
73. Snakes in the laundry basket can scare someone very terribly
74. Pay your bills on time – remember, you “took” from them first and a good character should cause you to want to remedy that situation
75. If you see mice droppings in your silverware drawer, please wash everything immediately
76. Never, ever ever take pleasure at someone else’s misfortune
77. Do not rudely stare at handicapped or special needs people – It makes their loved ones angry
78. There is no such thing as “My prayers aren’t that good”. God doesn’t want lofty, pious, arrogant poetry! Just talk to God like he is your friend!
79. Your mother and father will not always be around – enjoy each day you have with them
80. Pride and arrogance can ruin you and bring about a lot of misery
81. Being drunk is not fun. I’ve experienced it once and the aftermath. That was enough for me!
82. Alcoholism is the only “disease” that you can buy liberally in a store - please don’t get let yourself get trapped into it
83. Don’t judge others based on your own views of the world
84. If you do judge mentally, keep your mouth shut and send your questions of right and wrong to God instead
85. All of us live in our own universe – no other person in time, place, or history has ever walked in your shoes
86. If you wait for things to “get better” before moving on to the next stage in life (marriage, children, a new career), you’ll end up waiting your entire life – and end up with nothing
87. When people are hurting, they say the weirdest (and sometimes most hateful) things – learn to discern a person’s true intentions
88. We may not understand God’s reasoning for letting things happen until years later – some things we may never understand
89. Your integrity and moral character are something you should never compromise
90. There is no such thing as “harmless flirting” when you are married
91. Respect your husband’s emotions, will, intellect, strengths, secrets, desires, wishes, and weaknesses – and keep them private
92. Erotic film is never a healthy choice for a married, christian couple wanting to improve intimacy
93. Nagging will get you nowhere
94. Learn to dampen your own wants and wishes in marriage – “strong wills” often end up single again
95. You always have a choice of how to respond – in a negative way or in a positive way
96. Too many negative responses can ruin days, marriages, friendships, and even your own soul
97. Never ask someone if they are “ok” after their loved one has died (of course they’re not!) – and don’t spout off feel-good cliches to them
98. Spending money foolishly is the ultimate downfall of many, many people today
99. The older I get, the more I realize how much I truly do not know
….some of these lessons may not be suitable for your particular life experience, while other lessons you may have not encountered yet. And yet still, other lessons in here may be for me and me only – a kind of “God-sent” belief to help me live out the life God wants me to personally live. In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading them, and please know that it is no way inclusive of everything I believe.
What are some lessons you have learned in life?
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